Soldiers on Sleds

This years Soldiers on Sleds Ride took place in January. Some of the soldiers wanted to come up on Wednesday so they could take in some ice fishing. 

Two of our new staff volunteers Staff Sergeant Cara Butterfield, Sergeant First Class  Richard Helm (retired) and Staff Sergeant Jennifer Driebel showed up early and took of to the lakes for some ice fishing. It did not take very long for them to hook into something. Oh Boy! Fish fry for sure. 

By Friday afternoon soldiers started arriving. One soldier, SGT Don Grundy arrived with two others and also brought four sleds with him, which we quickly unloaded. Captain Klein arrived next with his sleds and of course I brought my two. 

Once everything was unpacked and the sleeping quarters were assigned, we passed out the new FXR Racing suits compliments of FXR racing. Capt Klein gave a short instruction on the assigned sleds and took the riders on a short trip up to Marinesco so they could get familiar with the machines. 

The Bear Trapp Inn was our next stop for a fish fry. The food was great and we will be going back there year after year. The night time had fallen upon us and we headed off into the darkness and across the lake. Running into a few slush spots, which made a few nervous, we kept going. We were very safe though as under that slush was four feet of ice. 

Sleds were parked, and the sauna was fired up, where a few ventured out into the cold to par take. When we all gathered around the kitchen table SGT Butterfield introduced all to a dice game where prizes were awarded.  The wood burning fire box made it warm and toasty for the night. The big prize winner was SGT Grundy who won the helmet donated by Shoeder's Marine.

2018 Soldiers on Sleds Ride.

Let's give the Hero's a week-end of fun!